Richard Berenholtz

World Trade Center 1973 - 2001

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© 2025 Corbis Stock Market/Richard Berenholtz

About the Artist

Fourth generation New Yorker, Richard Berenholtz, has become widely recognized for his architectural and landscape photographs of New York City. An architect with a degree from Colombia University, Richard has five books of photography on the architecture of New York City: Inside New York, Panoramic New York, Manhattan Architecture, New York New York, and most recently, New York Architecture. Born in Queens, he and has lived much of his life on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, thus obtaining an inherent understanding of the city and its many forms. For the past 20 years, Richard has been photographing the City, both inside and out. Before becoming a full time photographer in the early 80’s, he was an established architect for ten years. Once Richard enrolled in Architecture school, he purchased his first camera to photograph the buildings he would study. He began photographing in black and white, and, while still an architect, had three one man shows in New York City. Upon switching from architecture to commercial photography, the need for black and white work diminished. The only formal photography course Richard has taken was a one term black and white printing course at the International Center for Photography in New York. Today Richard is a very successful photographer, enjoying the recognition from his high profile books, as well as receiving many assignments. He does a lot of real estate work in New York, however his assignments carry him all over the world: Casinos in Las Vegas, vineyards in France, and across the United States to photograph homes for construction industry client, to name just a few of his many endeavors.