Presence - Wolf | McGaw Graphics

Kevin Daniel

Presence - Wolf

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  • $12.00 D3288-1P

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Image © Kevin Daniel

About the Artist

When Kevin Daniel began dabbling in paints and completing portraits as a young man in the early 60s, he had no thought that he was nurturing the beginnings of a profession that would last a lifetime. As he studied the Renaissance master' s paintings his thoughts were only on how much he enjoyed doing it. In his twenties, this Minnesota native began concentrating on painting animals and wildlife, discovering that people really appreciated the realism and natural beauty he brought to his subjects. He painted wildlife in natural settings, bringing the viewer into remote scenes untouched by humankind. Now Kevin has returned to the romantic creativeness of the masters' portraits he studied as a teen. He has turned his camera on family and friends to feature real people in his paintings. Kevin has become increasingly interested in children as subjects for his portraits because he senses in them an innocence and carefree existence that is readily identifiable. Kevin recalls real life situations to bring the most honesty he can to his imagined settings. If people feel as excited about viewing his paintings as he does when creating them, he is satisfied. Inspired by the vastness of beauty and grace in nature, Kevin Daniel has focused on painting wildlife in their nature surroundings, discovering in the process, that people are drawn to and appreciate the realism and authenticity he brings to his subjects. His paintings take the viewer into remote environs untouched by humankind, deep into forests full of wildlife or high into the mountains where vistas leave you breathless. Kevin draws from real life scenes in order to bring the utmost honesty and realism he can to his imagined settings. The result is a new series of paintings full of wonder and preciously captured moments in time; wonders of nature that may be cherished for eternity.