Dinner for Threshers, 1934 | McGaw Graphics

Grant Wood

Dinner for Threshers, 1934

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  • $40.00 W1582p

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© Grant Wood

About the Artist

Grant Wood (born Feb. 13, 1891, near Anamosa, Iowa, U.S. — died Feb. 12, 1942, Iowa City, Iowa) was an American painter. He was trained as a craftsman and designer as well as a painter. On a visit to Germany in 1928, he was strongly influenced by the sharp detail of 15th-century German and Flemish paintings, and he soon abandoned his Impressionist manner for the detailed, realistic manner for which he is known. His American Gothic caused a sensation when exhibited in 1930. A telling portrait of the sober, hardworking Midwestern farmer, it has become one of the best-known icons of U.S. art, though it is often misinterpreted: the woman is not the man's wife but rather the unmarried daughter designated to stay on the farm to assist her widowed father.

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