Plenty of Beautiful Theories | McGaw Graphics

Mindy Zielfelder

Plenty of Beautiful Theories

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  • $12.00 Z349-1P

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Image © Mindy Zielfelder

About the Artist

Mindy Zielfelder's art has evolved from realism into non-objective abstraction as she has taken greater and greater risks with composition and mark-making. Her body of work has an ethereal quality, taking the viewer on a journey through an oddly familiar, yet sensual new space. Mindy's goal is for her artwork to be an extension of the environment - a fresh view or another realm - a way to explore that transcends the limits of the physical world.   Mindy has worked extensively in a wide variety of mediums, including oil, acrylic, pastel, colored pencil, graphite, and digital. She has taken art classes through the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, as well as Manchester Community College, and currently lives with her husband, son, and two dogs in Tolland County, Connecticut.

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