Seas the Day | McGaw Graphics

Dora Knuteson

Seas the Day

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  • $12.00 K1253-1P

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Image © Dora Knuteson

About the Artist

Dora Knuteson is an emerging artist in Naples, FL with work in private collections across the United States. After earning her Bachelor of Art from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Dora spent the first decade of her career as a graphic designer. It wasn’t until she moved to Florida in 2015 that she became inspired by her tropical surroundings and found the courage to pursue her dream of an art career. Much of Dora's work is a product of her environment. She aims to share her delight in the world around her by telling a story with color and pattern — to let go of perfection and find a unique balance between realistic representation and funky abstraction. Although she will occasionally experiment with different mediums, she is most often drawn to acrylics. The fast drying time allows her to freely explore her subject by building quick layers, leaving just enough complexity that the viewer feels curious to take a closer look.

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