Summer Gold | McGaw Graphics

Fred Swan

Summer Gold

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  • $12.00 S3633-1P

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Image © Fred Swan

About the Artist

Fred Swan's love of the rural American countryside is evident in the simple and serene paintings he creates. Residing in a small Vermont town, Fred is inspired daily by the wild and rustic beauty that surrounds him. Whether it is the warm glowing windows of a winter home, a delicate maple leaf, or a sea of dandelions in a spring meadow, Fred Swan paints each detail with a patient hand and an eye for realism that few artists possess. In Fred's paintings you can almost smell the sweet roses of his cottage gardens, hear the crackle of fallen leaves, and taste the hot cocoa awaiting his homeward bound winter skiers. Fred is a self taught artist working exclusively in acrylics. He developed his own distinctive style over the past 30 years while also teaching high school math in Vermont. Upon retiring from teaching in the year 2000, Fred focused all of his creative energy towards painting full time in his studio. His highly detailed works have become instantly recognizable stirring the emotions and evoking nostalgic memories of home for admirers far and wide.

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