Jimmy Dyer is a serious artist dedicated to communicating through his painting the beauty he sees in the life and landscape around him.
His colorful light-filled images deal with timeless subjects from around the globe. Dyer seeks to combine the light, color, and painterliness of plein air painting with the solid drawing and tonal accuracy of more academic styles of painting.
After earning a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Dallas, Dyer moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico where he came under the influence of some of the finest painters in America including Tom Lovell and Wayne Wolfe. There he learned the importance of painting directly from life outdoors as the basis of landscape painting, a practice he still adheres to today. Finding the artistic camaraderie and abundant subject matter stimulating, he lived and painted in the area for five years, capturing on canvas, light charged landscapes of New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and Arizona. Finding it necessary to travel in order to maintain inspiration, he has since lived in Jackson Hole, Wyoming; Boston, Massachusetts; and Eliot, Maine. Having painted in Europe, Canada, the Caribbean, and South America as well as subjects from the Pacific to the Atlantic in the States, Dyer feels that this constant challenge of new subjects stretches his abilities as an artist and allows him to return to his favorite subjects with new knowledge and a fresh eye. Those favorites include the people of Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, and the Caribbean and the landscape of Vermont and Maine, New Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. Dyer currently lives in Texas with his wife Amy. Working in oils, he spends as much time as possible painting from life. Dyer is a hard working artist with one major goal: to become the very best painter he can be.