The Passage of the Delaware, 1819 | McGaw Graphics

Thomas Sully

The Passage of the Delaware, 1819

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  • $12.00 S1619pf

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© Thomas Sully

About the Artist

Thomas Sully was an American artist (born in England), 1783–1872 admired for his lively brushwork, Thomas Sully was the leading portrait painter in Philadelphia in the second quarter of the nineteenth century. Historical subjects such as this one were rare in his oeuvre of well over two thousand portraits. Sully studied first with a succession of miniature painters, including his brother Lawrence. In 1807 he moved from Virginia to New York City, and later that year he traveled to Boston to meet the portraitist Gilbert Stuart. He settled permanently in Philadelphia in 1808, but soon afterwards made a trip to London to study with Benjamin West. In England, Sully also familiarized himself with paintings produced by other contemporary artists. He was especially influenced by the fluid style of Sir Thomas Lawrence's portraits.