Our offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of the holiday. Any orders placed after Friday at noon will be shipped on Tuesday.

John Clark

Unnecessary Trouble (detail)

  • Sale
  • $12.00 C1658-1P

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© John Clark

About the Artist

John Clark was born in Michigan in 1980, into a family very supportive of his artistic creativity. In his work one can see a combination of film noir aesthetic and vintage book text to create art with a story. His technique is purposefully low tech and his images stark and dramatic, which allows the viewer to form a story without deciding exactly what that story is. After a brief artistic dry spell, John developed his current body of work which is drawn from his obsession with Pop art, the encouragement of a few influential art teachers, and ongoing tinkering with various artistic styles. Now John is extremely prolific, making up for lost time with his constantly growing collection of smart, noir-inspired imagery.