Cappiello Gancia | McGaw Graphics

Vintage Sophie

Cappiello Gancia

  • Sale
  • $12.00 V1995-1P

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Image © Vintage Sophie

About the Artist

Color Bakery is a Vermont-based art company that specializes in manufacturing customized art on glass, ceramic and stone tiles; art gifts; wearable art and home decor accents---everything from tile murals and floors to clocks, jewelry and beyond. In addition to their selection of over a thousand pieces of original art in almost every possible genre, Color Bakery can also reproduce or adapt an existing piece of art or design from scratch to make their customers' dreams come alive on tile. In short, Color Bakery is the place to go when everyone else has said "it can't be done." Color Bakery's intensive customization services cater to both end consumers and resellers.

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