Autumn Embers | McGaw Graphics

Seth Garrett

Autumn Embers

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  • $12.00 G958-1P

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© 2025 DAG, Inc., Atlanta, USA

About the Artist

Born in the mid 1960s to a working class family in Pennsylvania, Seth began work at the early age of 11 in a chocolate factory. His position at the factory was the first of many eccentric jobs that set him upon his unique and creative road to creating art. Seth and his family later moved to Atlanta, where be began high school and met his first artistic mentor. With the guidance and support of his High School art teacher, Seth earned a full scholarship to the prestigious Savannah College of Art and Design, where his artistic ability began to flourish. After graduation, Seth was blessed with a three month journey throughout Japan where his cultural perspective was broadened and his interest in landscapes was heightened. Upon his return, Seth supported himself financially as a commercial illustrator, but he continued to work toward fulfilling his life long dream of becoming an established fine art artist. He has since reached this goal and continues today to produce the surreal, muted, natural toned landscape images he so strived for in his youth.

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