Jill | McGaw Graphics

Philippe Debongnie


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  • $12.00 D2552pf

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© Philippe Debongnie

About the Artist

Philippe Debongnie is a Belgian artist working with various media including illustration, painting, and digital arts. He is especially keen on portraiture, and is intrigued by the human figure and face. Debongnie creates works based on the human form that fuse elements of painting and sketching with Photoshop. This process gives the works a handmade look while allowing the artist to retouch the images creating unique assemblages that intrigue the viewer. In this series, Debongnie combines animal faces with human forms in settings reminiscent of vintage photographs, creating whimsical portraits incorporating bold contemporary designs. Philippe Debongnie resides in Brussels Belguim with his beautiful wife and two young children. He does not have any pets because he finds humans much more interesting to look after. He currently teaches at Saint-Luc in Brussels, and fills his free time with drawing, painting, and running the blog: jazzanddraw.com.

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