Amaryllis | McGaw Graphics

Michael Harrison


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  • $12.00 H1498-1P

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© Michael Harrison

About the Artist

Michael Harrison graduated from UNCC in 1981 with a Fine Art Degree in photography. After several years of assisting in commercial studios in Charlotte and San Francisco he settled in Charlotte and started his commercial photography business where he has worked with prestigious clients like LeCreuset, Laura Ashley, and many others. Harrison’s passion for photography lies in the decisive moment when light, form, design and concept all merge to capture the briefest moment in time that wouldn’t exist without the medium of photography. He strives to uncover these hidden moments and capture them forever in his photographic work. As a commercial photographer, Harrison’s desire is to be a fine craftsman of the art and a communicator of the client’s vision through the use of exquisite lighting, high resolution capture and powerful design. Harrison’s personal fine art work has been exhibited at galleries and museums throughout the United States.