Bird Bath | McGaw Graphics

Kathleen Green

Bird Bath

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  • $12.00 G1079pf

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© Kathleen Green

About the Artist

Kathleen lives and maintains her studio in Groveport, Ohio with her husband and business partner Mark. Kathleen started painting in 1984 and has devoted full time to her art since 1990. Kathleen is a self-taught artist, presenting representational traditional art as a realist painter. Her medium is oil on canvas. Her subject matter depicts rural, traditional scenes that capture our past and present. Kathleen's paintings present scenes that portray realistic settings, evoking feelings of peacefulness, while providing a sense of being there. Viewers are initially attracted to her paintings by the richness of color and the exquisite rendering of every detail of her subject. "I paint what I see and feel. My inspiration comes from the beauty and intensity of light and shadows. I always attempt to capture things as I find them, never trying to rearrange their life's pictures." "While some artists can produce original art quickly, many others like myself cannot. Depending on size, my originals can take from 40 to 1200 hours to complete." Kathleen averages around thirty-five Juried art shows per year. She has done shows from downtown Chicago, Atlanta, and other large cities, to very small rural towns. Her work has been very well received in all areas of the country. Kathleen's paintings have won numerous awards in local, regional, and national juried art competitions. Her works are in private and corporate collections from the East to West Coast, Canada, England, Ireland, France, New Zealand, South Africa, and the Netherlands.