Spirit II | McGaw Graphics

James Corwin

Spirit II

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  • $12.00 C3460-1P

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Image © James Corwin

About the Artist

James Corwin gathers his inspiration and references for his wildlife art from frequent travels around the world. The purpose behind each piece he creates is to elicit an emotion from the viewer, and to draw them in to share an intimate moment with the story unfolding inside each painting. His other goal is to bring the beauty of nature to each viewer, created as a reflection of how he sees the world and to preserve its fragility by giving back. By providing the utmost quality and innovation in his painting, he aims to create a sustaining legacy of integrity and loyalty with his collectors, art and conservation. Represented by over 30+ galleries nationwide including his own, Corwin Galleries, James is quickly becoming the preeminent wildlife artist of our time. He is prestigiously collected nationally and internationally through both private and corporate collections.

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