A Groom Mounted on a Chestnut Hunter, He Holds a Bay Hunter by the Reins, early 19th century | McGaw Graphics

Jacque-Laurant Agasse

A Groom Mounted on a Chestnut Hunter, He Holds a Bay Hunter by the Reins, early 19th century

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  • $12.00 A40806-1P

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Image © Jacque-Laurant Agasse

About the Artist

Jacques-Laurent Agasse †was an †animal †and †landscape †painter †from Switzerland. Agasse studied in the public art school in Geneva, where he was born. Before he turned twenty he went to †Paris †for veterinary school so that he could become familiar with the anatomy of horses and other animals. He is celebrated for his extreme devotion to art, his marvelous knowledge of anatomy, and his special fondness for English racehorses and his excellence in depicting them.

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