Evening Stroll - Moose | McGaw Graphics

Greg Wilson

Evening Stroll - Moose

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  • $12.00 W2191-1P

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Image © Greg Wilson

About the Artist

Much of wildlife artist Greg Wilson's time is spent in the mountains in pursuit of the animals around his home in Utah. It is not unusual for Greg to set off for days, with camera and sketchpad in hand, in search of that picturesque scene that he can bring to life in an oil painting. What started out as Greg's interest as a child and dream as a young adult, has turned into a career that has allowed him to find great satisfaction and success. His artwork, once given only as gifts, can now be found on magazine covers and in major art collections throughout the country. Considered as one of the top rising stars in the wildlife art world, Greg’s work continues to gain in popularity for it visual appeal and investment value alike. Wilson attended the Colorado Institute of Art and Utah State University. His work has been on many covers of wildlife magazines as well as on state wildlife publications. He has also received much recognition and many other awards by wildlife foundations and national art shows, and has been listed as an “artist to watch” in industry publications.

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